How to customize tutor LMS Registration Form

how to customize tutor LMS student and instructor registration form

Tutor LMS Custom Registration form 

Tutor lms is powerful wp plugins for creating learning platforms and  many thousand  websites using this plugin. It provides many features but it has a simple registration form. Many times we need extra detail for student registration as well Instructor  registration. So at registration time we can get all the important information.

Tutor LMS has two registration form for different role  

  1. Student registration 
  2. Instructor registration 

In this example, we learn how we can customize both Student as well as instructor registration. We will  add a  new field for phone numbers.  If you follow this example  you can add as many custom fields as you want.

We will go to this step 

  1. Create child theme 
  2. Copy Registration form templates  
  3. Customize both Registration form 
  4. Save data on registration
  5. Show data on user my-profile  

Create child theme 

We will create a child theme so all our custom code keeps intact on theme and plugin update and we do not lose anything. 

You can check this post how to create child theme it is easy and user full 

How to create child theme 

Copy Registration form templates  

First create a folder in your child theme named “tutor”.

In this we will copy all templates from the plugin folder with the same hierarchy.

Customize both Registration form 

We add new custom fields html in form template 

Save data on registration

We need to add code in our theme functional.php files so on registration all extra fields data save.

Show data on user my-profile  

Here  we need to take care because both student and instructor  profile use same template so we need to show different data for each profile with condition 

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